Here we are, folks! As promised in my previous post, here are 19 more boredom busters to help you get through COVID-19, whether you’re isolated in quarantine or just doing your best to be a good citizen and obey the stay home order. Hope they give you some inspiration!
Tackle a Home Project
Whether it’s painting the front door, cleaning out the garage, or installing a shelf, now is a great time to tackle a DIY home project. It’ll kill some time, plus make that home you’re stuck in a bit more comfortable.
Take a Virtual Field Trip
There are tons of sites that will allow you to explore zoos, aquariums, museums, and art galleries from the comfort of your own home. Start with these virtual field trips for Spring 2020 and see where it takes you!
Start a Book Club
In our previous post we talked about working on your reading list. Now it’s time to take it to the next level and invite a few friends to join you—virtually, of course.

Detail the Car
There’s some beautiful weather happening! Break out the hose, vacuum, rags and suds, and get your car sparkling. Your “fine four-fendered friend” will turn heads when you can finally go places again.
Create a Budget
Possibly not the most exciting thing on the list, but if you’re dealing with the economic repercussions of COVID-19, now is the ideal time to learn how to budget, or review your current budget to see if it’s still getting the job done.
Fashion Show
Several people have told me that they’ve been purging their closets over the last couple of weeks by trying on every article of clothing they own. An impromptu fashion show is a great way to get rid of things you no longer wear and make room for that shopping spree you’re going to go on as soon as the malls reopen. (You did work that into your budget, right?)
Create a Meal Plan
Like creating a budget, this may not thrill everyone to the tips of their toes, but meal planning is a great way to stay organized and reduce your grocery budget. Make a list of your family’s favorites, a list of seasonal recipes, and some cheap and easy meals, and combine them to create a meal plan. Don’t forget to leave a day open for leftovers!
Do a Puzzle
You know you’ve been wondering if that puzzle at the back of the shelf has all its pieces. Only one way to find out!

Sew, Knit, or Crochet
Even if you don’t know how, YouTube has tons of great tutorials to get you started, and you can take a quick scroll through Pinterest for ideas of scrap-busting and/or beginner projects. Time to clear out that craft closet and make something awesome!
If you’re looking to work with something a little more manly than yarn, why not clear some space in the garage and give woodworking a try? If you’ve got some power tools, great! But if not, you can make some fun stuff by whittling. All you need is a knife and a chunk of wood. (And possibly a Band-Aid, if you’re anything like certain male members of my family who shall remain nameless.)
Learn to Type
Are you a hunt-and-peck typist? Learning to type makes computer work so much easier and faster! There are lots of free resources on the internet to teach you typing—and many of them come disguised as games. That’s right, you can learn to type and play computer games all at the same time!
Start a Business
Have you been toying with the idea of starting a business? The stay home order means you have some serious time on your hands, so why not use some of it to get creative and follow your dream?
Make a Vision Board
People often create vision boards in December or January to help with their new year’s resolutions, but there’s no time like the present to evaluate your life vision and try to figure out how to achieve it. And hey, if a whole life vision seems like a little much, just focus on what you’d like the next few weeks or months to look like. If you’re not sure what a vision board is, Mind Valley has a straightforward guide to get you started.
Foster a Pet
Lots of shelters are looking for awesome fosters to help care for homeless animals. If you have the room, the time, and you meet the shelter’s requirements, why not offer to bottle feed some kittens or offer an older dog a relaxing place to wait for his forever home?

It’s not just for kids. Coloring is a relaxing pastime that can help you unwind and release tension. So put on some music, grab your child’s markers, and print off an amazing coloring sheet from Just Color. Then get to work!
Plan a Vacation
Anybody else predicting a surge of vacations when COVID-19 is over? You may not be able to plan exactly when you’re going yet, but you can figure out where and what you want to do when you get there.
Go through those old family photos and create a scrapbook to keep all those memories in one place. Depending on your preferences, you can make an old-fashioned album, or digitize it to store on your computer.

Make Gifts
Get a serious head start on birthday and Christmas gifts with all this free time you have on your hands. Handmade gifts are fun to make and receive, and there are lots of great ideas out there for all kinds of projects and skill levels. Last year I made reading pillows for the girls in my family using a simplified version of this pattern from Polka Dot chair, and for the guys I created docking stations similar to this one.
Try Meditation
Sometimes you just need to embrace the lack of activity. Sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes, and practice some deep breathing, or try an app with soothing music or guided meditation exercises if you prefer a bit more structure.
What are you doing to keep boredom at bay during COVID-19? Tell me all about it in the comments!