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3 Ways Outsourcing Your Blog Can Help Your Photography Business Succeed

Running your own photography business is a dream come true. You love it, you’re passionate about it…but it can take a lot more time and energy than a traditional nine-to-five. Especially when you add blogging into the mix.

You’ve been told, time and again, that blogging will help make your photography website stand out. But blogging can be a full-time job in and of itself, and adding it to your to-do list can feel impossible. Is blogging really that important?

It is, but the good news is that you don’t have to do it yourself. Outsourcing tasks you don’t love can be one of the best things you do for your photography business and your own mental health. Here are the top three ways that clients tell me outsourcing their blog helps their photography business succeed.

1. Outsourcing Your Blog Allows You to Stay in Love with Your Business

Writing quality articles takes time—even if you use AI, which comes with its own can of worms. Plus, a successful blog depends on you learning and implementing best practices for SEO. Yet another full-time job!

If any of these describes you:

  • You’re short on time
  • Writing isn’t your thing
  • Terms like “keyword density” and “meta description” make your head hurt
  • You struggle to come up with creative ideas

Then doing your own blogging can quickly make you feel confused or frustrated. And you don’t want those emotions to be part of the day-to-day running of your photography business. Outsourcing frees up your schedule and your mental energy so that you can focus on the aspects of your business that you love—all without losing the benefits that can come from blogging.

2. Outsourcing Your Blog Can Boost Your SEO

Whether you’re a local photographer with a brick-and-mortar studio or a destination photographer ready to travel the world, the power of the web to expand your client base can’t be ignored. While SEO should always start with your website, a blog is a great addition that can increase your site’s authority and visibility and help more people find you.

Of course, this only works when you have quality content on your blog. Your posts need to be accessible and engaging for readers, not to mention fully optimized for search engines, in order to be a benefit to your photography business. A professional blogger will partner with you to learn about your business, your goals, and your clients, so that they can deliver resource-rich blog posts that support your website and help it stand out.

3. Outsourcing Your Blog Makes Other Content Creation Easier

Blog posts are usually the hardest type of content to come up with. But once it’s in place, other content (like social media posts, courses, videos, and client guides) becomes a cinch. This is because you can (and should!) use your blog as the base for other kinds of content creation. A well-written blog post can be the jumping-off point for all kinds of other things. Use it as a loose script for a video or podcast. Tweak it just a touch and put it in a pretty, downloadable format and it becomes a client guide. And of course, you can almost always get several social media posts out of one blog post with very little effort. See some of my favorite ways to repurpose blog posts here.

Outsourcing your blog to a professional means that the bulk of all your content creation work is already done for you. All you have to do is use it to best advantage, and you will free up even more of your time and creative energy for the things that matter to you.

Ready to Outsource Your Blog?

RedFox Blogging provides quality, search-engine optimized blog posts written especially for photographers. Every post is unique, written by a real person, and tailored to you and your business. You can learn more here about how my blogging services work, explore popular packages, or contact me for a custom quote. I would love to help you make your photography business even better with my done-for-you photography blog services. So excited to chat with you!