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4 Quick Tips to Overcome Writer’s Block and Jumpstart Your Blog Writing Process

If you ever face writer’s block or feel overwhelmed as you sit down to write your next blog post, I feel you. I write every day, but I have to admit, there are times that blinking cursor in my word processing program can be pretty intimidating.

If writer’s block has got you down, here are some of the things that help me to jumpstart my blog writing process and get content written even when I’m not really feeling it.

Batch Content

Getting in the writing mindset takes time. I find it’s more effective for me to stick with it once I’m in the zone, rather than chipping away at my writing projects here a little and there a little.

So I schedule one day to sit down and write all my blog content for the month. Just writing. I do formatting and images for my posts on a different day. (Learn more about why content batching might be for you and how to make it more fun and effective.)

This is also a great time to see where you can use pieces of your blog content for social media. Make that blog work overtime!

Time Blocking

Sometimes, when I have a topic but I’m struggling to write, all I have to do to get my creative juices flowing is set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes.

Giving myself a short amount of time to see how much I can get done keeps me from feeling overwhelmed or feeling like I need to finish the entire article. All I have to do is write until the timer goes off.

I usually find that this gives me a good start—and sometimes even gets me in the flow so that I don’t mind writing beyond the timer now that I know where I’m going!

New Environment

Getting out of a rut requires doing something different. Personally, I like to go somewhere new if I’m feeling stuck. I usually write at home, but if my routine is getting a little stale I like to try other favorite writer’s haunts, like sitting at a park bench or in a coffee shop. A change of scenery can work wonders!

Rough Draft

One of my favorite writerly sayings? ‘You can’t edit a blank page.’ When I’m getting so hung up on the details that it’s cramping my writing style, I give myself permission to just write a rough draft. There’s no need to make it perfect. The goal is simply to get my thoughts down.

Similar to using a timer, this takes enough pressure off that I can get started. Once I have some basic ideas, I know can take time another day to make it pretty. And I’m often surprised how easy it is!


If writer’s block is holding your blog back, I hope these ideas help to get you started! If you have other favorite strategies for getting blog posts written—whether you’re in the mood or not—drop them in the comments so we can learn together!

And if you’ve come to the decision that writing just isn’t your thing, get in touch and let’s talk about how to run your blog in a way that doesn’t take up your time and creative energy. I specialize in helping photographers and other small business owners reap all the benefits of blogging with none of the hassle. I can help you brainstorm topics, turn your rough ideas into polished posts, and even format and publish them for you on a consistent schedule.

Contact me for your free, no-obligation consultation and say goodbye to writer’s block forever. Can’t wait to hear from you!