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How to Write Engaging Photography Session Posts that Help Your SEO

It’s the hardest part of every session. You love the shooting, the editing, the creativity and satisfaction of capturing memories for your families. But then…you have to sit down and blog about it.

What do you say?

Trust me, I feel your pain. As a ghostwriter who specializes in photography blogs, I’m usually sitting down to write a session blog post when I wasn’t even at the session! And if I can do it, believe me, you can too. Here’s what I do when it’s time to write a photoshoot blog post that will engage readers and help my clients’ SEO:

The Two Core Things to Include in Every Blog Post:

1. Write to Your Readers

First things first. Just as your clients and their memories are at the heart of what you do as a photographer, your readers are at the heart of what you write on your blog.

So ask yourself, “How can I make this session mean something to my readers? Can I answer a question or help them understand my services better by highlighting this photoshoot?”

For example, maybe you used a new prop in that recent newborn photo session. Use your post as an opportunity to talk about your studio prop collection, share a tip about how to find beautiful and safe newborn props, or emphasize how props are an important part of customizing each and every session.

Or maybe a maternity client chose one of the gowns from your studio wardrobe to wear for a maternity photoshoot. Highlight that new acquisition, give recommendations for how to put together a pretty maternity outfit, or share other ways in which you make sure that the maternity photography experience you offer clients is as relaxing and stress-free as possible.

It doesn’t matter if this information is elsewhere on your site. Put it on your blog too! Sharing pertinent information turns what would otherwise be one of those “OMG, such an adorable baby” ramblings into a useful post that provides value to anyone who reads it.

2. Know Your Keywords and Use Them Effectively

Part of writing to your readers includes anticipating how they will search for information and services like yours. That’s where keywords come in! You can have a well-written post about your favorite places to shop for baby clothes, but if you haven’t used helpful words and phrases like “best baby clothing in blank city” “top places to buy baby clothes in blank city” or “blank city baby clothes shops” then your readers will have a hard time finding your article.

Don’t overdo your keywords, but do be aware of them so that you can use them strategically in places where they naturally fit. Also, be sure that you are using keywords appropriately in your headings, meta description, and alt text to have the most impact for SEO.

Extra Details to Make Your Session Post Come to Life

Now that you know your blog post will provide value to your readers, and you know which keywords you can use to best reach them, it’s time to fill in with a few fun details. I like to use things like:

Session Highlights

Anything fun, different, or extra sweet about a session will help to make it more fun and engaging for your readers once they’ve found it. Did baby have a hard time sleeping during their newborn session? Share how you handled it. This is a great way to highlight your skill and professionalism. Plus parents will love to hear that they’re not alone in having a little one that doesn’t seem to be equipped with a snooze button!


If your session was themed, even partially, play it up! Depending on your style, you can highlight a theme to provide potential clients with inspiration, or just infuse your blog post with a bit of humor by using a couple of puns that play on the theme of the session.

Props and Colors

Pointing out pretty color schemes, unique props, or heirloom items your clients brought from home can help tell the story of a session and provide ideas for clients planning their own photoshoot.

About the Family

Everyone loves a few personal details. Obviously it’s important to respect your clients’ privacy, but any fun non-identifying details (e.g. Dad happens to be a fan of your favorite sports team, you and Mom had a ton in common and were chatting away like old friends by the end of the session) can make your posts more human and show that you are truly interested in your families.

And of Course, Don’t Forget to Cover Your SEO Bases!

Once you’ve written a photography session blog post that will inspire rather than bore your readers, it’s time to give it some SEO spit and polish so that you can get the most out of your blog too. Check out these 10 simple SEO tips for your photography blog before you hit that publish button. And feel free to reach out with any questions about how to write photography blog posts that deliver for both your readers and your business. I’m happy to help!