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Why You Should (Maybe) Be Content Batching

Have you ever tried content batching? This is a productivity technique that allows you to create big chunks of content ahead of time.

I’ve been experimenting lately with doing more of my content in batches—and so far, I kinda like it!

Is Content Batching for You?

It depends. I don’t necessarily think content batching is for everyone, since we all have a different workflow that works best for our unique brain—not to mention circumstances beyond our control that might necessitate us working differently.

For example, sometimes your schedule might be such that you only have 15-minute increments to work with, rather than a dedicated chunk of time. Or maybe you find that you’re able to motivate yourself to get stuff done if you tackle it in short, frequent bursts rather than in a big, long-haul effort.

However, I think content batching is definitely worth trying out if you think it might help you! Below, I’ve outlined the basics of how to do content batching, and then some of the benefits it can give you. Hopefully this will help you make your decision.

If you decide you’d like to give it a try, it’s super simple. Here’s how to do it:

Content Batching in Three Easy Steps

Set Aside a Chunk of Time to Work on Content Creation

The big question here is: How long can you stay focused?

Some people set aside an entire day to work on content for their business that month. Personally, that’s too long for me. Instead, I’m trying to set aside a couple of hours each week that are specifically dedicated to creating content for my own blog and social media.

Whatever amount of time works for your brain and your schedule, pencil it in on your calendar or set a reminder on your phone for content batching.

Set a Focus

I almost wrote ‘Set a Goal’ for this heading, but I actually find a focus easier to achieve and less daunting. Some people work well on a deadline though. So if a specific goal works better for you (like, “Write 4 blog posts for November”) that’s fine too!

For myself, my focus is just general enough (“work on social media posts”) and just specific enough (“work on social media posts for October”) to be perfect for me. Setting a focus keeps me from getting distracted, but also allows me to feel done at the end of two hours.

In order to be most effective, I’ve also found that sticking with one type of content per batching session really helps. In other words, don’t try to create your blog posts and your Instagram reels during the same batching session. If you think you can tackle more than one type of content in your specific time period, I recommend using time blocking. Break your time period down into smaller increments and dedicate each of those to focus on a different project or type of content.

Tackle It!

There’s really not much to add here. You just have to sit down and do it!

In my next post I’ll suggest a few ways to make batching feel more fun and doable if it feels like a struggle for you. And if you find that content batching just isn’t for you, remember, that’s okay! It’s your business, and you get to do things your way.

What Makes Content Batching Great

Here’s why I think content batching is an effective strategy for me—and maybe for you too!

Saves Time and Energy

I am NOT a multitasker. Switching between tasks takes so much time and mental energy.

Doing my content creation during a dedicated time helps me get more done, because my attention isn’t constantly being drawn elsewhere (like to client work or household chores) so I’m not struggling to get back in the zone over and over again.

Helps You Avoid Content Creator Burnout

I think part of what contributes to my own burnout is constantly having tasks hovering on the edge of my consciousness. Never feeling done. It’s exhausting! (If you need more tips for avoiding or navigating and recovering from burnout, I’ve got you covered!)

Doing my content in batches means that I actually have time set aside to build my own business. I don’t have to get done with client work, feeling tired after a long day, and then deal with feelings of guilt that I should now be writing a blog post for my own site. It’s already scheduled in for a different day!

Keeps You Posting on a Consistent Schedule

If I had to remember to create and publish every one of my social media posts on the actual day it was supposed to appear, I would be lucky if I managed it once a week. It’s just too easy to let things slide. Not to mention, stuff comes up! I don’t want to be worrying about work when I’m sick or on vacation.

Batching my content (in other words, having fewer days where I actually sit down and think about content creation) leads me to be much more consistent in my posting schedule. When all my blog posts for next month are already formatted, saved, and scheduled by the end of this month, it guarantees that I will be totally consistent—all month long!

Leads to a More Cohesive Content Calendar

If I work on my content in a scattered way, it’s reflected in the content itself. I might find at the end of the month that I posted a lot of, “Hey, just checking in and showing what I’m working on” posts on Facebook, and pretty much nothing educational that could actually help my audience. It feels unbalanced.

Creating my content in larger chunks allows me to see patterns and make sure that what I’m creating is actually on-brand. It helps me to spread out different types of content in a way that makes sense and feels more harmonious. I’m not an expert at this by any means, but my content definitely flows better when I take time to actually focus on it and see it as a whole, not just as individual posts and stories.

So, what do you think? Now that you know what content batching is, how it works, and some of the benefits you can experience from it, does it sound like it might be for you?

I’d love to hear your thoughts (or experience, if this is something you’ve already tried). Let me know in the comments!

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