No, You Do Not Need to Wash Your Credit Card, and Other Valuable Principles for Weathering the Coronavirus

As someone with OCD, I can appreciate the benefits of a little anxiety—but depriving half the population of toilet paper at a time like this? It’s a bit much. So keep calm, keep clean, and keep away from other people. Buy only what you need, wash your hands with soap and water (no, it does not need to be antibacterial soap—the coronavirus is, as its name implies, a virus, not a bacteria), and carry on. We’re going to get through this, people. Well, you are. OCD, much like the coronavirus, does not currently have a cure, so I’ll be staying in Germaphobia for the foreseeable future. But hey, I appreciate the visit—thanks for not popping my bubble.

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How to Reduce Inflammation Through Diet

Managing inflammation through diet, although it can be a significant lifestyle adjustment, isn’t complicated. By altering how you eat to focus on nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory foods, you can reduce your inflammation levels and help your body to heal.

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Pet Poison Prevention

Did you know that hundreds of pets are accidentally poisoned each year? With some knowledge and basic precautions, you can keep your pet safe. Here are some common dangers that lurk in and around your home—and steps you can take to ensure that your pet is protected.

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RedFox Blogging Services for Photographers

Did you know that one of the best things you can do for your photography business is to blog about it? With RedFox Blogging services for photographers, you can reap all the benefits of a photography blog--like being able to showcase your work, share information with clients, and drive business to your site--without any of the hassle.

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2020 Goals — Measuring for Success

This year, I've decided to focus on measuring success. I'm going to keep my goals flexible, track my progress, and focus on the experience of growth and development.

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31 Books, 31 Flavors: 2020 Book Reading Challenge

Last year I participated with my mom and sister in the Pioneer Book Reading Challenge. 44 books in 1 year...Except we didn’t find out about it until April. We didn’t…

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10 Ways to Spice Up Your Morning Oatmeal

If you find yourself stuck in the butter-and-brown-sugar rut, here are 10 ways you can transform a regular bowl of oatmeal into a real breakfast treat.

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