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Informational Photography Posts: A Real-Life Example

A few weeks ago I posted about how important it is to include informational posts on your photography blog.

This kind of next-level content goes beyond talking about your sessions and services (although that can make good blog content too—check out this post for tips on how to do it right!) Instead, informational power posts (or pillar content) really focus in on your ideal client. That’s what makes them so powerful!

Figuring out topics for informational posts can take some creative thinking, because, if you’re like most photographers, you’re used to using your blog simply for sharing pretty pictures and encouraging people to book a shoot with you.

To expand your vision a bit, it can help to think about your ideal client, their stage of life, and what would be helpful to them right now. It’s okay if it only relates to your business indirectly! The goal here is to provide your ideal client with a valuable resource so that they will find your site and have a positive encounter with your business before even meeting you.

Let’s Look at a Real-Life Example from a Photography Blog

For example, in a post I recently wrote for one of my clients (a Colorado wedding photographer who does absolutely lovely wedding and engagement photos) we took a look at some of the fun and romantic date night ideas that Colorado Springs has to offer.

Now, is this about photography?

No, not directly. (Although we did manage to work that in!) But it is about something her ideal client would be interested in.

People at the stage of getting engaged or married (or people approaching that stage) are also in the stage of planning dates….Maybe even that extra special one to pop the question! By providing a helpful resource like a list of date ideas, we were able to widen her reach to even more potential clients. She’s already gotten great feedback from followers on this post!

Remember, focus on your ideal client and what they want when you write your blog content. You’ll have much more success than if you focus solely on your business and on what you want from your ideal client!

Blog Services for Photographers

Need help coming up with blog ideas for your ideal client? Get in touch! I’d love to help you start getting the most out of your photography blog.