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RedFox Blogging: Done-for-You Blog Posts for Photographers

Have you ever wondered how your competition does it all? How do they find time to do shoots, edit photos, stay active on social media, send out a weekly email newsletter, and update their blog every week?

Chances are, they don’t. Most successful small business owners are successful because they outsource the tasks they don’t love so that they have more time to spend on the parts of their business that they’re passionate about.

If you’ve ever wondered how outsourcing your blog works (or didn’t know something that magical existed and want to know more) here’s what you can expect with RedFox Blogging’s blog services for photographers:

Get Started

All you have to do is reach out! I’ll send you my inquiry packet, which outlines my most popular package options and has lots of helpful information for you. You can choose your favorite option or ask about creating a custom package that’s designed specifically for your unique business.

Next, we’ll set up a consultation call to plan your blog calendar. I’ll also get you started with my 12-week email series. This is a set of fun questionnaires to help us get to know each other so that I can write your blogs as effectively as possible.

Time to Start Blogging

Once setup is done, it really is easy. All you have to do for each blog post is upload your photos and give me any special details you’d like included. I’ll take care of the rest, including writing the post, adding alt text to the images, and doing all the behind-the-scenes SEO work that will help your blog to stand out.

Although it’s not required, I strongly encourage batching your content each month. This just makes it extra easy for both of us. You only have to sit down once a month to upload photos, and it also ensures that I can have your blog content ready to go on a consistent schedule (great for SEO)! After that, you can just sit back and relax. I’ll email you as soon as your blog post is ready so you can review it before we hit publish.

Flexible, Customized Services

I know that every photographer and business is different, which is why I offer custom packages and keep my workflow as flexible as possible. This allows me to serve each of my clients in the way that best suits their goals and budget.

RedFox Blogging services helps you make the most of outsourcing your blog, with advantages like:

  • Original, quality content written just for you
  • Updated posts on a consistent schedule
  • A blog that boosts your SEO and supports your business
  • More free time, less stress

Running a blog that makes you a happier business owner is possible. It’s even easy! If you’re ready to start standing out from the competition and seeing results from your content, I hope you’ll be in touch. I would love to chat with you about how I can support you as a photographer and entrepreneur!