5 Types of People Who Should Outsource Their Blog
Do you love blogging? If you’re squirming in your seat right now, or maybe laughing out loud, no worries. Having a blog is an expectation of most small business owners—including…
Do you love blogging? If you’re squirming in your seat right now, or maybe laughing out loud, no worries. Having a blog is an expectation of most small business owners—including…
Did you know you can hire a ghost writer to take care of your blog? Finding the right blogger can be a lifesaver, freeing up your time to focus on the parts of your business you really love while still giving you all the benefits of an active blog. If you don’t like writing, have trouble keeping your blog up to date, or just don’t know what to write about, bringing a professional or freelancer on board might be just what you need. Before you take the plunge, here’s what you need to know about hiring a ghost writer for your blog.
Every once in a while, I’ll have someone reach out to me who wants to outsource their blog…but is a little hesitant to take those first steps. Often, when I…
Blogging is an important part of running a successful photography business. Done right, it can help you make connections, generate business, and solidify loyalty among your clients. But…blogging is tough.…
Outsourcing your photography blog? Good move! Hiring a blogger is a great way to free up your time, boost your SEO, and set yourself apart from other photographers. (No longer…
When you hire a blogger to write for you, it works best when it’s a team effort—and that’s particularly true for photography session blog posts. In this post, we’ll cover what you should provide your blogger so they can give you great results.
Learn why you need a business blog in 2022. Better yet, find out how RedFox Blogging can make it effortless.
If you’re a portrait photographer, you probably know the importance of keeping a blog on your site. It’s the perfect way to showcase your work and make sure your website is regularly updated with fresh content. But what exactly should you blog about? RedFox Blogging provides ghost blogging services for portrait photographers across the country, and I’ve come up with fourteen blog post ideas for portrait photographers to inspire you and get you started with posts your followers will love.
One of the best things about RedFox Blogging services is that they are customizable and completely personalized for you and your business needs. This post will guide you through the basic workflow, but keep in mind that RedFox blogging services are very flexible. As a personal blogger, my job is to make your job easier. I’m happy to tweak and adjust things for my clients to get the perfect fit.
Every small business owner knows the importance of the elevator pitch, but with a job title like mine, explaining yourself becomes not only an advisable course of action, but a necessity. When I introduce myself as a ghostblogger, the response is usually a blank stare. If you're wondering exactly what a ghostblogger does, read on to find out more!