Things You Must Know Before Getting an Exotic Pet — Part 3: The Nitty Gritty

You’ve researched basic care, you’ve planned for the unexpected and the inevitable—you’re almost ready to provide an incredible pet with an incredible home! Before you make your final decision though, there are just a few more details to cover to make sure you’re paired up with the right exotic animal companion.

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Things You Must Know Before Getting an Exotic Pet — Part 2: Travel and the Unexpected

Part of being a responsible exotic pet owner is being prepared for the unexpected and the inconvenient. In addition to basic care, you need to plan ahead for what you’ll do with your pet if they get sick, if you need to travel, or if there’s a possibility that your pet will outlive you.

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Tips and Tricks to Tame Your Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs make great pets. They’re adorable, not prone to biting or scratching, and usually enjoy cuddles once you’ve gained their trust. Of course, that’s the trick, isn’t it? Because they’re prey animals, the first step in taming your guinea pig is to have realistic expectations about what it means. Guinea pigs are hardwired by nature to be afraid of the unfamiliar and to run away from anything that could be a threat…which is pretty much everything, including you. Taming your guinea pig is totally possible, but it takes time, patience, and consistent effort. Read on for tips and tricks on how to tame your guinea pig so that you have a sweet and wonderful companion!

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