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Ways to Make Content Batching More Fun and Productive

Content batching is a tried-and-true method for getting some serious work done in a short amount of time. (Check out this post if you’d like to learn more about how to do it and some of the benefits it can provide.) But sometimes, sitting down to batch a bunch of content all at once can feel a little overwhelming. If you’ve got a lot of content to churn out, or you’ve set aside a longer stretch of time, like a full day, to work on it, it can be a struggle to stay focused. Try these tips to make your next batching session bearable…and maybe even fun!

Take Breaks

Batching is a kind of content marathon, so pace yourself. You’ll enjoy your day or your content creation time block a lot more if you have breaks built in. I like to use my breaks to take a walk, grab a snack, read a chapter of a book, or take a quick power nap. Sometimes, stepping away for a few minutes can actually increase my focus when I come back to the task at hand.

Reward Yourself

Everyone likes a reward, right? I know I do! If I’m struggling to feel motivated during a content batching session, I try to think of something I can look forward to when it’s done. Knowing that once I’m through I can rewatch a few episodes of a favorite show or grab takeout instead of cooking can help me make it to the finish line. Another option that I haven’t tried yet, but I’d like to, is to set little goals for myself throughout the batching session and reward myself when I achieve them.

Pair It with Another Batch

I’m thinking…brownies? I’m not even kidding. This may be a little weird, but I really enjoy pairing certain foods with certain activities. I think it would be fun to try this with content creation and make batching day special by whipping up a batch of something I enjoy. It might make my content creation session feel more like a party, and even make me look forward to the next one!

Become a Collector

I’m always collecting ideas. I have a list of blog posts that I’ve planned for the coming months, and at the bottom I jot down ideas for interesting topics, blog post titles, and things to research. You can store your ideas wherever it works for you, whether that’s a file on your phone or a physical notebook. Or, if you tend to gather ideas in lots of different places (like me), schedule a time to go through and transfer everything to one central location. Making a habit of gathering inspiration means that now, I’m rarely faced with a blank slate when I sit down to batch content.

I hope these ideas help your next content batching session to be more fun and effective. And remember, if content batching just isn’t for you, that’s okay! We’re all a little different and it’s often a matter of experimenting with several different ideas before you find a method that works for you. If you have ideas for how to do content creation or how to make batching more productive, I’d love to hear them! Drop your thoughts in the comments.

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