I usually enjoy setting goals. The lead-up to January is an opportunity to evaluate my progress and plan for new achievements, and it’s something I look forward to each year. But this year, for whatever reason, I just wasn’t feeling it quite as much. Especially the S.M.A.R.T. part. You know, making sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.

I felt like I was getting bogged down in too much detail. I’ve always made my goals very measurable and time-based, and this year, I ended up getting discouraged. As I looked over my goals for 2019 and realized I hadn’t managed to hit a single one, it didn’t do a whole lot for my morale and motivation. I want 2020 to feel different.
This year, I’ve decided to focus on measuring my success. I’m going to keep my goals flexible enough that I can miss a day without feeling like my entire goal is shot. I’m going to track my progress so that at the end of the year I can see that I really have achieved something. And I’m going to focus on the experience of growth and development.

So what are my goals for 2020?
- Health — I’m focusing on exercising for 30 minutes 3 times a week, drinking 6 glasses of water a day, and getting 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Sounds very measurable, doesn’t it? I’ve already missed a couple of days, but that’s okay, because I’m focusing on measuring my success. I’m keeping a daily tracker and I get to put a colored dot for every day I make my goal. Even after only 3 weeks, I’m seeing that my exercise, water intake, and healthy eating has increased.
- Reading Challenge — I plan to read 31 books this year (which shouldn’t be difficult, given my voracious appetite for the written word) and sample a new ice cream flavor for every book I finish. I don’t need motivation to read, but if I did–this would do it! (You can read more about the 2020 Book Reading Challenge in my previous post, or download a PDF version here if you’d like to take on the challenge.) I’ve finished my first book, and am halfway through two more. Writing down the title and ice cream flavor is so fun, and an easy way to track my progress and remember the books I’ve read.

- Personal — I want to make personal writing a daily habit. I’m trying to write in my journal every day this year, and so far I’ve managed it! (And if I miss a day, that’s all right. Even if I only manage once a week it will be an improvement on last year.) I also want to do more writing for fun. As a freelance blogger, I write every day for other people, but I want to take the time to work on my own writing projects as well. My goal isn’t to get published or finish a manuscript–just to rediscover the joy of creative writing.
- Fun — I think everyone should have a fun goal, don’t you? I decided I’m going to pick a new skill to focus on each month. This month is quilling. (It’s a really cool paper craft that involves curling narrow strips of paper into shapes to create images.) I’m hoping this goal will help me to try new things, make discoveries, and maybe even spark an interest in some new discoveries. Let me know if you have any ideas!