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Goals That Will Make You a Better Person and Entrepreneur

While January isn’t the only time to set goals, it has become the quintessential month to do so. Most of us crave growth and progress, and goals are a simple way to choose a direction and measure how you’re doing. If you’re a small business owner, a lot of your goals might revolve around your business. Making more money, getting more clients, maybe opening your studio or offering a new product.

These are great, but as I’ve moved towards more of a gentle business model, I’ve realized that a lot of my growth as a business owner is connected to my growth as a person. There’s no need to feel like I have to sacrifice personal improvement because I’m too focused on my business. If you’re interested in holistic goals that can serve you in multiple aspects of your life, goals that will make you a better person and entrepreneur, then read on for a few of my favorites.

Take a Class

There are tons of courses online, and I’ve also found some fun classes through my local library and community college. Taking time to learn something new or rekindle interest in an old hobby has helped to give me fresh perspective or tackle something I want to learn but feel a little intimidated researching on my own and helped me broaden my skill set and increase my confidence—in life and business.

Read More Books

Reading is probably my favorite activity, so I don’t necessarily need a goal to read more books. But over the last few years I’ve enjoyed participating in reading challenges to supplement my usual reading habits. Reading challenges have expanded my literary horizons and introduced me to a variety of ideas—which nurtures my creativity and helps me grow as a person and as an entrepreneur.

Try Something New

If you’re like me and have a small comfort zone, don’t be scared. Trying something new doesn’t have to mean bungee jumping or joining a Toastmasters association. But sometimes when I’m in a bit of a rut, all I need is to do something a tiny bit different. I have a friend who is interested in everything and frequently invites me to do new things with her—like go stargazing with the local astronomy club (apparently that’s a thing), check out a plant sale, or attend a free concert in the park. Doing something just a little different opens my eyes to all that’s out there and helps ignite my curiosity.

Ask for Help or Feedback

Ever feel like you have to go it alone? Asking for help and feedback takes practice, but it can help in so many ways. Most people love sharing their expertise, and asking for that allows you to draw on their knowledge and make improvements. At the same time, you have the added bonus of making a connection with the person whose opinion you’ve sought, or deepening your relationship with them.

Teach a Skill to Someone

Just as you should ask for help, you should also be willing to give it. There’s probably something you’re great at that you can teach to someone else. I make sure to do this in my business, providing information and value to my clients. I also try to be open to opportunities in my personal life. Whenever someone expresses an interest in something I’ve done I make a point of offering to teach them. It’s okay if they don’t take me up on it—I just want to make sure they have the opportunity if they’re interested, and that they know I’m open to sharing my knowledge and skills.

Create a Routine

Even if you’re a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of person, you’ll likely benefit from some form of structure and routine. Most of us do. And it’s a must for building a successful business and developing a relationship of trust with your clients. If you don’t like the idea of routine, remember that it doesn’t have to be rigid. Establishing a workflow, business hours, a nice start or end to your day…these are all little routines you can build into your day to feel more in control and productive.

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most attractive attributes you can develop. Gratitude was a big part of my upbringing, and it’s something I continue to try to make a part of my character. And of course, if something is part of your character, it usually seeps into your business as well. Make it a habit to notice the kind, thoughtful, or responsible things people do—and let them know you appreciate it! As a business owner, this is a simple and gracious way to encourage great behavior from the people you do business with.

Follow the Golden Rule

For some reason, while many of us try to follow this rule in our personal lives, we set it aside when it comes to business. After all, it’s business. You’re supposed to be tough and ruthless, right? There’s a better way—especially for gentle business. Following the golden rule in business doesn’t mean letting people walk all over you. It does mean doing your very best for your clients, looking at things from their point of view, and prioritizing their needs within the parameters of your business model.

All of these goals to help make you a better person and entrepreneur are easy to incorporate and provide benefits for multiple aspects of your life. I hope they get you thinking! What goals have you set for yourself this year, and how do you feel they’ll help you become a better person in life and business? I would love to hear your thoughts, hopes, and goals!