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How to Rank on Google: Tips for Photographers

One of the things I’m asked most frequently by my photographer clients is whether my blogging services will help them rank on Google. The answer is yes—and here are my tips for making that happen, whether you’re using RedFox Blogging or going it on your own.

Know Your Audience

Before you do anything else, answer this question. Do you have a clear idea of your ideal client? If you don’t, time to figure it out! Who are they? What do they want? Why will they be glad they found you? And what words are they using to try to find you?

Keyword Research

Which, of course, brings us to keyword research. You have to know what your target audience is searching for, so take the time to brainstorm keywords and find out which ones are likely to be effective for you. That way you can write blog posts and other content that will be on point. You can learn more about how to conduct keyword research, plus other tips for your photography blog, right here.

Drumroll, Please…Blog!

Got your keywords all figured out? Time to put them to work. Blogging is one of the best ways to boost your SEO and start showing up in search engine results. Aim for 2-3 times a week, at least for the first several months. Once you’re ranking well, you’ll need to continue blogging to maintain a good position, but you can probably cut back to 1-2 times a week.

You’re not done yet! Blogging is awesome, but it can’t get you there all by itself. Now that you’ve started blogging, you need to make sure your website is in line with the rest of your content—and poised to attract your tribe.

Review Your Photos

Let’s start by reviewing your website photos. What you show is what you’re going to attract. Come back to your ideal client. Who are they, and what kinds of images will speak to them?

Do you want to offer luxury photography for high-end clients? Then the photos on your site need to convey an elevated photography experience.

By the way, everybody and their sister may be touting the luxury photo thing, but in case you’re wondering, this is not the only option. Maybe you want to offer simple, affordable photography for working moms so they can have pictures of their littles without breaking the bank. Great! Display those kinds of photos. This tip is about niching down and choosing images that reflect the experience and product your clients can expect, rather than just showing all your favorites.

Review Your Web Copy

Just as your images should speak to your ideal client, so should your copy. Review every word on your website, making sure that your text will resonate with the kind of person you’re trying to attract.

And yes, SEO is important here too. You did that keyword research earlier, so use it! Make sure your copy incorporates those keywords, and that you’ve optimized each page on your site for your top keywords.

Optional: Paid Ads

If you have extra marketing dollars or need leads faster than organic methods like blogging can provide, you might explore something like Google Ads (used to be Google AdWords). This is just a way to jumpstart things. You don’t have to use paid ads if you don’t have the resources—you can totally get there with good keyword research, quality blogging, and a carefully crafted website.

You Are Here

Finally, if you want to rank higher, you need to know where you rank right now. Before you really get going with your action plan, do a search with each of your top keywords and see what page you’re on. Once you know where you’re at, you can start using these tips and watch your progress. (Keep in mind that a little variability is normal—you’re looking for overarching trajectory, not the ups and downs that happen within a week.)

I hope these tips for how to rank on Google help you in your journey to the top! If you decide you need help creating quality blog content on a consistent basis, please feel free to reach out. I offer a variety of packages and customization options so we can create a blogging plan that is the perfect fit for you and your business.