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How to Write a Blog Post When You’re Not Feeling It

One of the best things about outsourcing your blog? No more staring at that blinking cursor as you try to come up with the right words for your next blog post.

Of course, every once in a while, you may still have to write a little something. Maybe you only outsource some of your blog posts. Maybe it’s social media posts that give you trouble. Or maybe it’s just jotting down a quick outline for your blogger (oh, hey there!) that brings on writer’s block.

Whatever it is, here are a few things that help me to get content written even when I’m not really feeling it.

Batch Content

Getting in the writing mindset takes time. So once you’re there, stay there. Take one day to sit down and knock out all your blog content for the month or quarter.

Time Blocking

Give yourself a set amount of time to write and see how much you can get done. This frees you from the pressure of finishing a certain number of posts—all you have to do is write until the timer goes off.

New Environment

Sometimes, getting out of a rut requires going somewhere new. If you usually write at home, try other favorite writer’s haunts, like sitting at a park bench or in a coffee shop. A change of scenery can work wonders!

Rough Draft

One of my favorite writerly sayings? You can’t edit a blank page. If you tend to get hung up on the details, give yourself permission to just write a rough draft. You can take time another day to make it pretty (or ask me to do it for you!)

If that blinking cursor is still giving you trouble, feel free to ask for help. Blog posts, email campaigns, website copy, that pesky About page—I’m here to help you with writing tasks of any kind. Just reach out to me at I’d love to hear from you!